July2017ASM Study Manual for Exam MFE 10th Edition



ASM Study Manual for Exam MFE- Financial Economics - 10th Edition [use for July 2017 exam and after] NEW EDITION

Author/Publisher: Weishaus / ASM

The 10th edition has over 700 pages, about 100 examples and 70 in-lesson exercises, and about 480 end-of-lesson exercises, 370 of them original, all with complete solutions. Also, the manual has 11 original 30-question practice exams (an additional 330 questions), with detailed solutions. While this manual will be adequate for Exam MFE, the McDonald textbook is referenced in each lesson if you wish to use it. This printing of the manual incorporates all errata known at the date of publication.


Abraham Weishaus

Formerly financial reporting actuary for Guardian Life Insurance Company. Served on the SOA’s Education and Examination Committee for 11 years. Taught exam preparation courses for the Actuarial Society of Greater New York (ASNY) for 15 years and for CAMAR for 6 years. Currently is an adjunct professor at Columbia University and teaches exam preparation courses at St. Johns University.


MFE 10版 → 下载链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1dELnsKL  密码: nb8s


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